1. Purchase History Verification
Purchase History Verfication can be done using StovePC.VerifyPurchase, the IsPurchased field is true for products that have been purchased more than once.
Purchase History Verification is performed targetting the cache within PC SDK.
If you enter categoryID parameter, verification is only carried out within that categoryID. However, if you use an empty string parameter (””), then verification is done for all categories.
Therefore, it may be advantageous to enter categoryID in terms of seach speed.
// input parameters
// string categoryId : Category ID to search for products
// long productId : Product ID
StovePCPurchaseVerification purchaseVerification = StovePC.VerifyPurchase("CATEGORY_ID", PRODUCT_ID);
if (purchaseVerification.Result == StovePCResult.NoError)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("VerifyPurchase Success");
sb.AppendFormat(" - purchaseVerification.IsPurchased : {0}", purchaseVerification.IsPurchased);
// handle failure
The StovePC.VerifyPurchase function returns a StovePCPurchaseVerification structure. The returned StovePCPurchaseVerification structure contains the product purchase history, including the error codes.