
Setting Up STOVE Launcher

2024/03/14 00:14

1. Download STOVE Launcher from Download PC Client.

2. Create a PolicyConfig.json file in the folder where STOVE Launcher is installed.

Live default installation location : C:\Program Files (x86)\Smilegate\STOVE

3. Enter the following contents in the PolicyConfig.json file and create it when registering the STOVE Studio project.

Warning You must be logged in after running the STOVE launcher during SDK integration.
After creating PolicyConfig.json with the structure like below, add the following to it
Live : C:\Program Files (x86)\Smilegate\STOVE
Check the Game ID and replace it.
{ "skip_check_game_list": [ "id_hellostove" ] }
Note You can change "id_hellostove" to the gameID registered with STOVE Studio

4. Run the STOVE Launcher and log in with the gameID you registered with STOVE.