
Settlement Guide

Below section explains how you can check your sales of your game, and receive settlement from the sales generated.

1. Go to Settlement & Contract > Calculation on the left in STOVE Studio. If you have successfully submiited contract, you should a screen similar to below. (see below)

Where to find Calculation


You can select the project of which you want to look at.
You can download entire sales history of the project.
It is an option to view sales of a transferred project, (Sales before transfer) To find out more about about Project Transfer, go to .
You can select for which month you want to see the sales.
You can view total sales for the month, (KRW and USD are displayed separately) Below you can find cumulative sales amount.
You can view total deducted amount from your sales (such as platform fee) Below you can find cumulative deducted amount.
You can view total possible settlement, affter deduction. Below you can find total settlement received.
You can find daily sales in graph format.
You can download Balance Report for the month. Note: Please download after the 10th day of each month (e.g: after January 10th, etc.)
You can view the balance report for each month.
You can download the report for the month.
You can donwload Invoice for the month. Note: Amounts less that 100 USD will be carried over and will not be transferred. So only for months that the Cumulative Left Over is over $100 or equivalent, the Invoice is downloadable.

2. How to Receive Settlement

Suppose the Cumulative Left Over is less than USD 100 or equivalent in a given month, in this case, it is carried forward without transfer to the month; Carry-over will be also be marked with a Y in the Balance report. (see below)
When the Cumulative Left Over equals or exceeds USD 100, you are now eligible to receive yout settlement. View Details button (under Invoice) should be activated, click to download your invoice, then sign, and lastly, send it to
Upon finalization of the payment for a Month (M), STOVE Indie will send settlement to the partner by the end of the next succeeding month (M+2).
If you have any further questions regarding settlement, please do not hesitate leave a question to STOVE Onboarding Manager, or send a mail to